To see the final rebrand:

When deciding where to begin with this logo, we must think where it’s primarily going to be displayed. Unlocked collection currently uses instagram as a sales platform which has certain parameters that a designer can choose to abide by. For example - text is no longer required in these logos, as small icons that appear in the profile picture are far more memorable than small text. Also, the name ‘Unlocked Collection’ sits right beside the photo, so there is no real need to include text in a profile image unlike plenty of other footwear and streetwear companies have. With this in mind, I began sketching ideas along with the thought of Unlocked Collection’s brand values; accessibility, authenticity and longevity in mind. I decided that the value of accessibility comes from the word ‘unlocked’ in the name. I worked on incorporating this visually by using a keyhole shape in the negative space of the logo, as these signify something precious or safe. This, along with the name ‘unlocked’, denote that the brand is high quality and yet accessible - which demonstrates another one of UC’s values, authenticity. I chose to use geometric lines and a grid to make the overall aesthetic very professional, reflecting UC’s great market knowledge, and also the longevity of the company. The geometric shape is very solid and strong due to its relative symmetry with stroke and negative space, which ultimately reflects how the brand has been going for a long time now, and is here in Dunedin to stay - compared to the current disposable feeling logo.