Below is Frank on Tap at Ubar in 2023, then followed by them in 2022. It's great to continue to work with clients over time. Great bunch of lads, and talented musicians. (they asked for the same style of images!)
With gig photography, I like to be expressive and try to show the feeling and atmosphere o the gig. I have been experimenting with long exposures recently, as I really like the energy that they bring into photos. Combining the photo with manual effects is also a passion of mine.

Above: Photos from Hot Sauce Club's - 'Shower Beers' Album release at Ubar. All photos above are of the opening band 'Frank On Tap' from Pōneke. Click to enlarge. This shoot was on a Cannon 850D using the stock flash.

Dale Kerrigan - 'The Water' Album release, Oct 2022. Also shot on Cannon 850D.

Above: Hot Sauce Club on their album release night. Below is HSC in Wānaka and Tāhuna (Queenstown) when my band went on tour with them. There is also a shot of "Lunar Intruder", and Oscar Goodwin, an awesome young sound engineer.
Shot on Cannon 850D.