Below - some work-booking from the project. You can see where I based my ideas from/ got inspiration for the final outcome. This was a very experimental process, as I did not know exactly how I wanted to portray the band.

Below - Some of the final work-booking before I reached the end of the project. I found one really important thing out about design in general here - to base the outcome of what I want to design, rather than what I think the band will want. I found that thinking of the outcome the whole time takes away from the design process, and it is better to be free to explore the different possibilities of the project in the creative process. The below photos show just after this realisation, as I began to draw my imagery for the zine instead of photoshop. This is where the zine gained character.

Below - The final Zine beginning to take shape. Read the reflection at the bottom for a full analysis of the outcome. I managed to send a copy to the band, who thoroughly enjoyed the zine, mission accomplished!